Complete Reference: kits.yml

    cost: KIT_COST
    permission: KIT_PERMISSION
    totem: ITEM_TYPE
    description: KIT_DESCRIPTION
        - {
            type: ITEM_TYPE,
            amount: ITEM_AMOUNT,
            enchantments: {
            potion: {
                type: POTION_TYPE,
                level: POTION_LEVEL,
                splash: POTION_SPLASH,
                extended: POTION_EXTENDED
            extra-effects: [
                {type: EXTRA_TYPE, duration: EXTRA_DURATION, amplifier: EXTRA_AMPLIFIER},
                {type: EXTRA_TYPE, duration: EXTRA_DURATION, amplifier: EXTRA_AMPLIFIER},
        - {
            type: ITEM_TYPE,
    helmet: {
        type: ITEM_TYPE,
        amount: ITEM_AMOUNT,
        enchantments: { ... }
    chestplate: {type: ITEM_TYPE, ...}
    leggings: {type: ITEM_TYPE, ...}
    boots: {type: ITEM_TYPE, ...}
KIT_NAMEN/AName that identifies the kit. Can be any YAML valid string, as long as it can be typed by players using /sw kit.
KIT_COST0Cost to use the kit. This is charged to any player using the kit each game they use it. Can be any integer equal to or more than 0.
KIT_PERMISSIONN/APermission to use the kit. Only players with this permission will be able to choose this kit. Can be any string accepted by your permissions plugin. If not specified, anyone with access to /sw kit will be able to use the kit.
KIT_DESCRIPTION&4A kit: &8<name>&4.A description to show in the kit GUI in the item lore of the kit totem.
items:[]List of items to be given to players using the kit, in the inventory. Any number of items can be specified. Default is an empty list.
ITEM_TYPEN/AMaterial of the item to be included in the kit. Needs to be a valid Bukkit Material value.
ITEM_AMOUNT1Size of item stack to be placed in inventory. This can be any integer between 1 and 64, and is not limited by regular stack size of items.
enchantments:{}Map of enchantment name to value. It isn't valid to have two enchantments of the same name
ENCHANTMENT_NAMEN/AName of the enchantment to apply. This must be a valid Bukkit Enchantment Name value. This can be any enchantment: applying an armor enchantment to a sword, or applying knockback to a stick is allowed.
ENCHANTMENT_VALUEN/APower of the enchantment. Can be any valid integer above 1, and is not limited by maximum enchantment levels.
potion:{}Section for the main potion effect. This is only valid for type: POTION.
POTION_TYPEN/AType of potion to apply to item. This will set the item's "main potion", which will update the item's name and lore to match the potion. This must be a valid Bukkit Potion Type.
POTION_LEVEL1Sets the potion's power level. This can usually only be 1 or 2, but might be restricted to 0 and 1 depending on what type: and extended: are set to.
POTION_SPLASHfalseWhether or not the potion "splashes". If true, the potion will be throwable. If false, the potion will be drinkable.
POTION_EXTENDEDfalseWhether or not the potion has an extended time period. If true, the length of time the potion lasts will be increased.
extra-effects:[]List of extra potion effects to apply to the potion. Any effects with the same type as the main effect will replace the main effect. None of the effects here will change the item's name, but they will add to it's lore and effect.
EXTRA_TYPEN/AType of extra effect to add. This can be a slightly bigger range of values than POTION_TYPE. This must be a valid Bukkit Potion Effect Type, which is different from Bukkit Potion Type, what POTION_TYPE is limited to.
EXTRA_DURATION60Sets the duration of the extra potion effect. This can be any valid integer above 0. It is unclear what exact unit this value is in, and how much "duration" is needed for how many seconds depends on what type the effect is. For a SPEED potion, a value of 2000 produces a 1 minute, 14 second long result.
EXTRA_AMPLIFIER0Sets the power amplifier of the extra potion effect. Can be any integer from -128 to 128. A value of 0 represents the default effect power of a level 1 potion.
helmet:{}Sets an item in the player's helmet armor slot. The structure is the same as for items in the items: section.
chestplate:{}Same as helmet:, but sets the chestplate armor slot
leggings:{}Same as helmet:, but sets the leggings armor slot
boots:{}Same as helmet:, but sets the boots armor slot