Configuring Kits - kits.yml

This file is located at plugins/SkyWars/kits.yml.

Note: This document is on how to manually type in new kits into the config. To much more quickly create kits just from items in your inventory, check out Creating a new kit.

The following is a version of the default kits.yml config, annotated with comments. For a complete reference of all possible values, see the kits.yml reference.

# ####### kits.yml #######
# Kit configuration
# For documentation, please visit
# #########

# This is the version of the configuration.
# If this line is changed or removed, SkyWars may overwrite some of the newer settings when
# the server is next restarted.
configuration-version: 1

# Note that to enable most of these kits, you must enable economy support in main-config.yml.
  # This kit has a cost of $100. The cost is charged every game in which it is used.
  cost: 100
  # This kit is represented by a bow when shown in the kit inventory-GUI.
  totem: BOW
  # This is shown in the lore of the totem.
  description: "&4Just a bow."
    # You can list any number of items here.
    # Each item has a type section. It also may optionally have an enchantments
    # section and amount value.
    # The type is a material name. You can get a list of these here:
    - {type: ARROW, amount: 16}
    # When amount is not given, it defaults to 1.
    - {type: BOW}
  cost: 20
  totem: STICK
  description: "&4Knockback 3."
    - {type: STICK, enchantments: {KNOCKBACK: 3},
        name: "Whacking Stick", lore: ["&2Whacking", "&4and hacking"]}
  # This kit demonstrates how to enter potions into kits.
  cost: 100
  totem: POTION
  # A multiline description
  description: |
    &cInvisibility&4, &cspeed&4,
    &cposion&4 and &chealing&4.
    &4What more could you need?
    # Potions:
    # There are two ways to add potions to an item:
    # Using `potion: {TYPE, extended: true/false, upgraded: true/false splash: true/false, lingering: true/false}`
    # will turn the item into one of the set potions in minecraft, and update the
    # item name and lore accordingly. TYPE in this case is a PotionType, see links below.
    # You can also add "custom" potion effects, using:
    # `extra-effects: [{type: TYPE, duration: SECONDS, amplifier: AMPLIFIER}, {type: TYPE2, ...}]`
    # For extra-effects, TYPE is a PotionEffectType, see the links below. SECONDS is how long it
    # will last, AMPLIFIER is similar to a potion level, but can go up to 128. amplifier: 0
    # represents the default effects, and is the default value.
    # When adding custom potion effects, it is recommended to still have one "regular" potion set.
    # Even if you override it with a custom effect, it will allow the item's name and lore to
    # update for the potion it holds.

    # this is a drinkable invisibility potion
    - {type: POTION, amount: 2, potion: {type: INVISIBILITY}}
    # this potion is a double edged sword - it gives speed, and poison.
    # however, the speed lasts a bit longer than the poison does.
    - {type: POTION, amount: 2, potion: {type: SPEED, splash: true},
                          extra-effects: [
                            # this will overwrite the main speed effect, while allowing the text to remain.
                            # I honestly have no idea what this duration is counted in.
                            {type: SPEED, duration: 2000},
                            {type: POISON, duration: 1000}
    # Full heal - the higher the amplifier, the more effect it has.
    - {type: POTION, amount: 3, potion: {type: HEAL, splash: true}}
    - {type: POTION, amount: 4, potion: {type: HEAL, splash: true},
                          extra-effects: [{type: HEAL, amplifier: 5}]}

  # You can define a permission, a cost, or both for a kit.
  # When you define a permission, the kit is only shown to people with that
  # permission. This allows you to make kits only available to donors.
  permission: server.donor
  description: "&4Server donors only."
    - {type: DIAMOND_SWORD, amount: 1}
    armor-color: CC7700
  # This kit is only available to donors, but it also costs $500 each game!
  permission: server.donor
  description: "&4Rich server donors only."
  cost: 500
  # You can define a helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots.
  # These will automatically be placed in the armor slots of the player.
  helmet: {type: DIAMOND_HELMET}
  chestplate: {type: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, enchantments: {PROTECTION_PROJECTILE: 2}}
  leggings: {type: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS}
  # See link above for exact enchantment names
  boots: {type: DIAMOND_BOOTS, enchantments: {PROTECTION_FALL: 2}}

Complete list of possible names: - Materials: - - Enchantments: - - Potions (potion: {type: ...}): - - Potions (extra-effects: [{type: ...}]): -

The links above have more information than needed, but they are continually the most up to date lists of full names. All you need to use a material, enchantment or potion is the UPPERCASE name.